Preservation Part 2

Scripture Reading - 2 Timothy 4:16-18 KJV

16 At my first answer no man stood with me, but all men forsook me: I pray God that it may not be laid to their charge.
17 Notwithstanding the Lord stood with me, and strengthened me; that by me the preaching might be fully known, and that all the Gentiles might hear: and I was delivered out of the mouth of the lion.
18 And the Lord shall deliver me from every evil work, and will preserve me unto his heavenly kingdom: to whom be glory for ever and ever. Amen.

The Lord God we love, worship and serve is awesome, He Is the God of Wonders. The older we (ihlcc) get the more this word “Preservation” takes on new meaning. For example the general meaning of the word “preserve” is to keep safe or defend. It can take on the meaning of keep alive and/or to shelter from harm or trouble. Generally speaking many Christians delight themselves in the fact that God “preserves” His People. This means we have 24/7 divine protection. Those people who are not familiar with that term it means twenty-four hours a day and for seven days of the week the Good Shepherd is on guard watching over His sheep simple because He Is our “Preservation/Protection”. Yes, specifically speaking about the New Testament covenant we have with God the all-powerful Blood of Jesus covers our sins and acts like a barrier to the punishment of those committed sins when we confess them and forsake them in Jesus Christ. This basically means the application of the Blood of Jesus is our real door post painted red to keep the destroyer from entering our homes to harm (destroy) us.-Refer to Exodus 12:23 Let all the church rejoice and praise God for His divine protection but we must know it is not automatic because you, dear child of God, must do your part of believing for God’s divine “preservation”. Just like the children of Israel had to literally apply the blood of the sacrificed lamb upon their home door posts we to must apply the Blood of Jesus over our household. Someone may say, “Angela and Eric (ihlcc) how do I apply the Blood of Jesus over my life and the lives of my love one’s?” Good questions demand good (godly) scriptural answers. Therefore you paint your spiritual door post with the brush of your tongue. You must believe in your heart that Jesus Christ and God our Father provide you and your household with divine “preservation”. Then you must purpose to speak this belief out loud to all who choose to contradict you. The reason we are stating that you must purpose to do it is because you will need to train yourself to consistently confess God’s Word no matter what the circumstances look like. If you are faithful to believe in God’s Promises and speak forth those same promises after that you shall see the Salvation (Preservation) of God. Yes, dear child of God, there have been many Christians who escaped death because they wholehearted believed that God “preserved” them. They are still many Christians alive today because they knew the power of God concerning “preservation” and how to operate in it. Yes, God is Good and God is always willing to protect His Children but the problem comes when His children break God’s principles (His Word). Since the Lord already told us you will have what you say when you believe it in your heart according to Mark 11:22-24 no one can cheat the system (The God’s Kingdom). What we (ihlcc) mean by that is no one can believe one thing in their heart and speak something contrary to their heart and be successful in operating God’s Power. Specifically speaking you cannot say, “I know God has delivered me” to others around you but inwardly you say to yourself and God, “I don’t know what’s going to happen next?” The real heart felt statement of truth shall prevail in your final outcome, not because it was God’s Perfect Will but rather it was your truly believed confession of fear and concern that consummated the result. Yes, dear saint, you will have whatever you say, good or bad. This is not just a Christian principle but rather a way of life for all people. The Gracious Lord desperately looks to “preserve” many people but He needs for them to openly (publically) give Him place by confessing His Lordship over their life. If no confession of His Lordship happens His (yes, even God’s) hands are tied. Yes, we (ihlcc) know God can (and sometimes does) intervene supernaturally without your assistance but if you are banking on that every time you are in trouble, you are in already in trouble before the trouble comes. Another comment we will share is that divine “preservation” doesn’t stop at just protection against personal physical attacks but it works the same for mental attacks too. Yes, God’s “Preservation” also keeps us from physical attacks of sickness and disease when we believe God for this specific type of protection. Another fact we (ihlcc) are standing on is that God’s “Preservation” is working against our natural aging. Let the elders say, “Amen!” This is not to say we will never grow old naturally because we know while we are in this earth the effects of sin do influence us (our bodies) but we don’t open wide the door of our mouth by saying foolish things (words) like, “I just too old to remember”. This negative confession works against good memory. Instead you should say, “Give me a minute or so until the Holy Spirit brings it back to me. I will have the answer soon or shortly. Some carnal minded unbelievers say, “I just too old to do that now I used to do that when I was younger”. Why not say it this way according to God’s Word, “I can do all things through Christ which (or whom) strengthens me”. The reason we (ihlcc) are being specific with our words is because this will make the difference on whether we see God’s “Preservation” or not. Now between you and us (ihlcc and God) we would much rather quote God’s Word and believe in His awesome power than quote our fears and failures to those around us. Remember, we are called to be witnesses of Jesus unto the world, so shout it out loud that, “God Love’s me and He Personally “Preserves” me in Jesus Christ. Amen!